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Our Story


We are called Achievers. We want to help you achieve your dreams by celebrating your success, believing in your abilities and equipping you with tools that will help you every step of the way.


Sangharsh was born in India and has been living in Europe for the last 8 years. He was a professional athlete from the age of 12. He started his journey of personal development 11 years ago. It started off with watching videos of people he admired most. The drive-in him to develop further grew into reading authors from different genres such as Dale Carnegie, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Carl Jung, Richard Dawkins, etc. Reading personal development and self-help books became an integral part of his life. He would carry his current favorite book to parks, cafes, during commutes, and everywhere else you can possibly think of.

After years of being in this field and growing up in a community of people with similar interests, he realized one thing which is common in every achiever "THEY DO NOT LIKE TO WASTE THEIR TIME".

He always has a keen awareness of how things trigger and work in an individual's life. With this awareness, he found many black spots in the area of personal development which no one talked about or created products for.
He used to go to his then Girlfriend's place realizing he forgot his set of highlighters or other marking tools at his home and would not find the similar color code highlighters at his girlfriend's hence leading to the frustration of not being able to highlight the magical text in the then-current book. Hence he came up with the initial idea of a set of highlighters that could simply be attached to books and can be removed once the book is finished.Now, Sangharsh is dedicated to creating innovative patented products to help Achievers in optimizing themselves to become the HERO IN THEIR JOURNEYS.